Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You might be a nerd if...

So, I was walking home from campus this morning carrying a bacteria loaded petri dish in my pocket. This, in and of itself, was enough to make my insides all squishy with delight. I couldn't help smiling with the thought that if I saw someone I knew I could exclaim, "Look what I have! A sweet petri dish ready to grow all sorts of nasty things that are living on the light switch of the microbiology lab!!!" As I walked through the chem building a boy came out of one of the labs wearing safety goggles and I found myself thinking, "Wow. That's kind of hot..." It was at this exact moment that I realized: I am a super nerd. And, I like it! Nerd power!!!


Megan said...

oh man, your nerdiness knows no bounds... and I love you for it!

Stupendousman35 said...

Bacteria in your pocket? that is like next level....
way to do the blogging thing though

Rachel said...

I concur. I just wish it was the other way around, too, and guys were attracted to girls despite their nerdiness!

Post blind date

Post blind date